
Showing posts from 2020

Signs of Abuse

There is likely a good chance of parent abuse and neglect . . . When the child has to open a PO box because the parent is stealing personal items from the mail. When a child stays at hotels to avoid going home to the abusive situation When a child opens a safety deposit because she is terrified that she will lose everything and fears she must run, even if she has no idea where to when a parent pushes children down the hallway, kicks them and throws toys at them when a parent yells and screams curse words over and over and over "this room is a pigsty, you stupid ass. do you do this because you hate me?" she would say again and again I did not know where to turn. I feared for me life. I feared so much. I just drove around central florida terrified. She would go to my work and sleep. She would tell people I worked with I was incapable of work. She will NEVER be alone with my children.  She will NEVER be alone with me.  She is very very mess...

Doctor's Appointment

Had a medication management appointment today. I was really inspired seeing this quote posted for the new year on my psychiatrist's wall. He had another painting one of his patient's did that showed a man riding a sad horse. He told me that his patient is talented. It's really beautiful to see a doctor celebrating the work that someone with mental illness completed. I read in these words so much hope for the future and drive to survive. 


It's been a little over a month since I took my 2 week leave of absence. It is strange to look back only weeks later and feel so dramatically different. I have so much more hope, energy and comfortability with where I am now. I have been healthier and happier after taking the rest time from work. I still have uncertainty about parts of my future, but I now know how helpful tools like medicine, rest, friendship, and lifestyle changes (eating and exercising) can be. A huge part of my healing has come from being apart of the Emotional Ally Society. This group has given me a safe place to show up and be honest about where my struggles take me. Knowing I finally have a place where these deeply shameful and broken parts of me can be seen is like knowing I can belong somewhere. With my experiences in the hospital, I've had moments in life where I felt deeply unsafe. I felt the world was dangerous and terrifying. Attending the EAS group has helped to heal the wound and return the sen...