
It's been a little over a month since I took my 2 week leave of absence. It is strange to look back only weeks later and feel so dramatically different. I have so much more hope, energy and comfortability with where I am now. I have been healthier and happier after taking the rest time from work. I still have uncertainty about parts of my future, but I now know how helpful tools like medicine, rest, friendship, and lifestyle changes (eating and exercising) can be.

A huge part of my healing has come from being apart of the Emotional Ally Society. This group has given me a safe place to show up and be honest about where my struggles take me. Knowing I finally have a place where these deeply shameful and broken parts of me can be seen is like knowing I can belong somewhere. With my experiences in the hospital, I've had moments in life where I felt deeply unsafe. I felt the world was dangerous and terrifying. Attending the EAS group has helped to heal the wound and return the sense of safety in the world.

I often think of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Often, my need for a home and place to rest and sleep has been threatened in my family of origin. Some of that was an internal fear taking hold and blurring reality. Other times reality was blurring my mental status because of abuse. Now I can step back and weigh these experience to understand the truths.

I am entering 2020 with so much gratitude in my heart. I feel so blessed by God. I feel so loved and protected by my husband. I feel understood by my friends. The world feels like a good place to be.


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