Confession 2: A Bit About Grandiosity
I believe that I am a bit of a grandiose person. Here are some of what I consider sound reasons for this. First, I was valedictorian of my high school. Back then I battened my hatches and stuck to the books. Sure, it was a tiny private school, but that doesn't mean those latin, rhetoric and apologetic classes were easy. I grew up rather grounded in my academics and intellectualism - as much as you can in your formative years of personhood. And hell, I fought my way through 6 long years of undergrad to complete a degree in the face of massive life setbacks. I was also working 30 hours a week for 3 of those years. I even completed half of a master's in literary theory with a B+ average soon after. So, yes, I think my "mind powers" might put me a notch into the grandiose category. I think I have been pretty freakin good at some stuff. OK, was I a prodigy? I never really got close to that title, but a girl can dream, right? And why wouldn't that be likely if the uni...