Trauma Begets Trauma
Bipolar is classified as a mental disorder. Some consider it an illness, condition or chemical imbalance. Psychiatrists diagnose patients with it and accompany that diagnosis with warnings that life without medication is impossible. The more time one spends off medication, the more "episodes" they will have. The more frequently one goes on and off medication, the more episodes and the greater the severity of episodes. The term bipolar is often used in connection with a series of symptoms that episodes are marked by. For examples, spending too much money, having too much creativity, grandiose thoughts, hyper activity,hyper religiosity, sleeplessness, reckless decision making, impulsive decisions, increased sex drive, irresponsible behavior. Those may be considered symptoms of a manic episode. A depressive episode is the general depressed stuff you might expect, but with a maybe deeper sadness and desire for hurting oneself. The term bipolar refers to those two polarities of i...