
Showing posts from 2021

Changing Meds for a Safe Pregnancy

 It's been a while since I've written. I experienced what I could refer to as a depressive espisode, or I could just call it pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, pregnancy is a huge blessing, but during those nine months my mental health truly suffered.  Even before the nine months, I was starting to suffer. There were many difficult stages in the last year or so of my life. And here I went into this thinking I had been through the worst. Two months into marriage my husband and I met with my psychiatrist to discuss our desire to have a baby. Unfortunately, the medication I was dangerous for pregnancy. I was taking an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer.  The mood stabilizer could cause very serious and scary birth defects. I'd been taking this drug cocktail for around 10 years, so the consideration to change anything was not something we treated lightly. The doctor advised me how to slowly wean of the medication and get to a point where I was no longer on it.  Decreasing ...